2012年12月31日 星期一
2012年12月30日 星期日
2012年12月29日 星期六
購買最多10,000 達美尊爵資格哩程(MQMs)
如果你的DL尊爵資格哩程(Medallion Qualification Miles, MQMs)只差一些就可以到尊爵會高等會員等級,又沒時間再多飛。DL現在提供購買MQMs的機會。
如果你的DL尊爵資格哩程(Medallion Qualification Miles, MQMs)只差一些就可以到尊爵會高等會員等級,又沒時間再多飛。DL現在提供購買MQMs的機會。
2012年12月28日 星期五
Aerolineas Argentinas提供status match
天合聯盟SkyTeam成員Aerolineas Argentinas(AR)現在針對中南美市場的競爭對手會員提供status match。
Status match的相應航空公司會員等級標準如下:
Status match的相應航空公司會員等級標準如下:
2012年12月27日 星期四
CDG-SIN A380-800頭等艙/豪華套房哩程兌換:AF vs. SQ
來回總共400,000 miles加上稅還有燃油附加費。
2012年12月26日 星期三
2013年1-3月Citi AA信用卡友專屬AA折扣來回哩程票航點
AA每一季都會提供給Citi AA信用卡的卡友美國本土48州與加拿大內指定航點折扣來回哩程票(限MileSAAver),指定航點的名單每季會更動。2013年1-3月的名單如下:
2012年12月25日 星期二
2012年12月24日 星期一
2012年12月23日 星期日
2012年12月22日 星期六
贈送AwardWallet Plus六個月免費升級碼
如果你願意自由捐贈些許升級到AwardWallet Plus服務,更可以看到更多帳戶細節與超過3個會員計畫帳戶的點數/哩程有效期,以及訂位紀錄更新通知服務,還可以拿到OneCard儲存所有會員計畫帳號資料。
在聖誕節將近之際,我想贈送3個AwardWallet Plus 6個月免費升級碼。
如果你願意自由捐贈些許升級到AwardWallet Plus服務,更可以看到更多帳戶細節與超過3個會員計畫帳戶的點數/哩程有效期,以及訂位紀錄更新通知服務,還可以拿到OneCard儲存所有會員計畫帳號資料。
在聖誕節將近之際,我想贈送3個AwardWallet Plus 6個月免費升級碼。
管理哩程/點數/cash back帳戶的好網站:AwardWallet
為了最佳化哩程/點數/cash back的累積,我們申請了許多各家航空公司/旅館/租車/鐵路/網站/食品/商店/cash back網站的帳號。可是每家會員計畫的規定不同、哩程數或點數效期不同,怎麼有效管理以便最佳化運用呢?
2012年12月21日 星期五
免費加入Le Club Accorhotels獲得白金卡
Accor Hotels集團在世界上擁有四千多家飯店(在臺灣也有一家臺北諾富特華航桃園機場飯店),也常常提供免費Le Club Accorhotels白金卡給合作企業夥伴。
2012年12月20日 星期四
直接用真金白銀購買的機票(Revenue Ticket)可以分為下面幾種票面艙等。UA根據各項因素動態安排各種票面價艙等要放多少個位置並適時調整。 每種票都有相對應的票價規則。了解機票艙等與票價規則,有助於找到最適合個人航班需求的划算機票。
直接用真金白銀購買的機票(Revenue Ticket)可以分為下面幾種票面艙等。UA根據各項因素動態安排各種票面價艙等要放多少個位置並適時調整。 每種票都有相對應的票價規則。了解機票艙等與票價規則,有助於找到最適合個人航班需求的划算機票。
2012年12月19日 星期三
Chase MileagePlus卡友:週二造訪VIP Lounge捐小玩具獲贈免費United Club使用券
2012年12月17日 星期一
2012年12月15日 星期六
2012年12月14日 星期五
2012年12月13日 星期四
Booking Fare: T
Minimum stay: 3 days
Maximum stay: 1 month
Booking Fare: T
Minimum stay: 3 days
Maximum stay: 1 month
2012年12月11日 星期二
2012年12月10日 星期一
2012年12月8日 星期六
比較獎勵哩程/點數/cash back購物入口網站的網站
之前我們談過經過一些購物入門網站去網路購物可以賺取額外獎勵哩程/點數/cash back。
但是在眾多入門網站中要怎麼選擇才能獲得最佳的額外獎勵哩程/點數/cash back呢?
但是在眾多入門網站中要怎麼選擇才能獲得最佳的額外獎勵哩程/點數/cash back呢?
Delta SkyClub貴賓室一日使用券半價優惠(12/31/2012截止)
到12/31/2012為止,可以在Delta SkyClub以$99(需要跟服務人員說是特價專案)購買4張一日使用券(原價1張$50)。可以買來以後用。
2012年12月7日 星期五
AA: 西雅圖SEA-北京PEK經濟艙來回票$596.30
Booking class: Q
Minimum stay: 3 days
Maximum stay: 1 month
Booking class: Q
Minimum stay: 3 days
Maximum stay: 1 month
2012年12月6日 星期四
2012年12月4日 星期二
最多可以買到50,000 miles + 50,000 bonus miles。
AA: 西雅圖SEA-北京PEK經濟艙來回票$600.20
Booking class: Q
Minimum stay: 3 days
Maximum stay: 1 month
Booking class: Q
Minimum stay: 3 days
Maximum stay: 1 month
Avianca LifeMiles買一送一(12/28/2012截止)

買一送一之後的價格相當於$0.015/mile,最多可以買75,000 miles(以1,000 miles為單位),加上bonus miles之後總共150,000 miles($2,250)。
買一送一之後的價格相當於$0.015/mile,最多可以買75,000 miles(以1,000 miles為單位),加上bonus miles之後總共150,000 miles($2,250)。
2012年12月3日 星期一
希望能受惠於加入美國免簽計畫帶來的旅客增長, 夏威夷航空宣布將於07/2013開航TPE-HNL。 執飛機型是294座的A330-200。 HA新聞稿請參考這裡。 HA正式開航TPE-HNL之後,更增添HA哩程跟可以兌換HA哩程票的其他家航空公司哩程的運用彈性。 |
2012年12月2日 星期日
Aloft Denver International Airport一晚$10.16(含稅)
Starwood/Westin旗下的Aloft Denver International Airport現在有個大特價。
King Bed房間單晚$10.16(含稅)。
如果你需要衝SPG elite status的話,一個人最多可以訂三個房間,算作三晚。
經過topcashback去starwood訂房還有3% cash back。
King Bed房間單晚$10.16(含稅)。
如果你需要衝SPG elite status的話,一個人最多可以訂三個房間,算作三晚。
經過topcashback去starwood訂房還有3% cash back。
2012年12月1日 星期六
Booking class: O
Booking class: O
1. Global Services
2. Premier 1K customers
3. All other revenue customers
4. Pass riders
1. Global Services
2. Premier 1K customers
3. All other revenue customers
4. Pass riders
2012年11月29日 星期四
新航豪華套房即日起可以saver award標準兌換哩程票
UA: 紐約EWR-北京PEK經濟艙來回票$742.40
Booking Class: K
Minimum stay: 6 days
Maximum stay: 6 months
DL: JFK-TPE 經濟艙來回票$1001.2(含稅)
Delta (DL)現在有紐約到臺北經濟艙來回票促銷。
Booking Class: T
Minimum stay: 10 days
Maximum stay: 12 months
Booking Class: T
Minimum stay: 10 days
Maximum stay: 12 months
2012年11月28日 星期三
HA: 紐約-夏威夷經濟艙來回票$382.01
現在Hawaiian Airlines (HA)有JFK-HNL特價。經濟艙來回票$382.01。
如果透過topcashback連過去HA網站購買,可以拿1.5% cash back($5.73)。
如果透過topcashback連過去HA網站購買,可以拿1.5% cash back($5.73)。
經過Shopping Portal去網路購物賺取額外cashback/哩程/點數
透過一些購物入口網站(shopping portal)連結到購物網站購物,往往可以賺取額外的cash back/信用卡點數/哩程。
其中,提供cashback的購物入口網站主要是靠著網路商店給它們的佣金或是網站上的廣告來營利。他們營利的部份就成為cash back提供給會員。
其中,提供cashback的購物入口網站主要是靠著網路商店給它們的佣金或是網站上的廣告來營利。他們營利的部份就成為cash back提供給會員。
1. Cash back:
(1) BigCrumbs.com
加入BigCrumbs之後,不僅你自己的消費可以累積cash back,如果有別的朋友使用你的推薦連結加入,他們消費之後,你也可以拿到稍微低一點比例的cash back,這樣可以一直收到好幾層之後的cashback。他們消費之後,你只會看到你拿到的cash back,不會看到他們消費的細項,所以使用上層推薦連結的時候,不用擔心。
加入BigCrumbs之後,不僅你自己的消費可以累積cash back,如果有別的朋友使用你的推薦連結加入,他們消費之後,你也可以拿到稍微低一點比例的cash back,這樣可以一直收到好幾層之後的cashback。他們消費之後,你只會看到你拿到的cash back,不會看到他們消費的細項,所以使用上層推薦連結的時候,不用擔心。
AMEX Membership Rewards 1:2.7轉成Hilton HHononrs點數(12/29/2012截止)
現在AMEX Membership Rewards(MR)點數可以1:1.35(35% bonus miles)的比例轉成Virgin Atlantic (VS)哩程,直到12/29/2012為止。
另外一個更划算的選擇就是把VS哩程1:2轉成Hilton HHonors點數。MR本身也可以直接1:1轉成HHonors點數,但是遠不及利用現在的1 MR=>1.35 VS=>2.7 HHonors划算。
如果你的MR點數只剩下一點點,又會用到VS或HHonors的話,也許可以考慮使用這個活動。12月還會有另外一個MR transfer bonus miles活動,我稍候會介紹。
2012年11月23日 星期五
現在國泰航空正在進行Black Friday Sale,到11/26/2012前購買2/2013旅行的JFK/LAX/ORD/SFO-HKG豪華經濟艙來回票$1657.58。到臺灣的話$2020.38。
票價艙等是W, E, R。
購買票的人還可以參加抽獎:30個人可以得到10,000 Asia Miles。
透過http://us.cathaypacific.com/BlackFridayOffer購買美國到香港(到臺灣不算)間2/1/2013-2/28/2012間旅行的豪華經濟艙來回票後,將confirmation email寄到specialoffers@cathaypacific.com就可參加抽獎。一人限一次。
如果你有BA Avios的話,買了到香港的票之後,可以用Avios換臺港線(單程經濟艙4500 Avios)。Chase Ultimate Rewards points跟AMEX Membership Rewards points都可以轉成Avios。只要你沒有在香港停留,行李也可以直掛到臺灣。
Holiday shopping season已經到了,各家哩程計畫購物入口網站除了提高部份購物網站的獎勵哩程,還提供全面性的獎勵優惠,比如說以下的例子。

12/17/2012前每花$250塊錢,給500 AA miles,最多給到2,000 miles。

12/31/2012前每花$250塊錢,給500 UA miles,最多給到2,500 miles。

12/31/2012前花$150/$250/$5,000,就給300/500/1,000 US miles,最多給到1,000 miles
經過BigCrumbs到購物網站購物cash back全面增加至少34%(11/26/2012截止)
加入BigCrumbs之後,不僅你自己的消費可以累積cash back,如果有別的朋友使用你的推薦連結加入,他們消費之後,你也可以拿到稍微低一點比例的cash back,這樣可以一直收到好幾層之後的cashback。他們消費之後,你只會看到你拿到的cash back,不會看到他們消費的細項,所以使用上層推薦連結的時候,不用擔心。
說明:如果你使用我的BigCrumbs.com推薦連結加入BigCrumbs,我會得到referral bonus。謝謝。
2012年11月19日 星期一
1. ebates.com提供amazon.com特定類別cashback,但是這些類別以外就沒有cashback。目前的cashback類別包括與不包括下列各類:
1. ebates.com提供amazon.com特定類別cashback,但是這些類別以外就沒有cashback。目前的cashback類別包括與不包括下列各類:
Virgin America: SFO-DCA單程$74.8(限11/22-11/23)
Virgin America (VX)正在進行Washington National (DCA)與San Francisco(SFO)間單程機票大特價,限11/22與11/23飛行。單程含稅價$74.8。
11/19/2012 11:50pm CST前要開票。有需要往來DC與灣區的朋友可以買了。
Terms and Conditions:
*All Main Cabin fares are one-way. Main Cabin fares for routing DCA-SFO require a 1-day advance purchase and travel must occur between November 22, 2012 and November 23, 2012. Tickets must be purchased by 11:59pm CST November 19, 2012. Lowest sale fares are available only on certain itineraries. Seats are limited, subject to availability, and may not be available on all flights. Flights may not operate daily. Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable. Changes or cancellations can be made for a $100 fee per guest through all channels, plus any increase in fare, if applicable. Any remaining balance will be placed in a guest’s travel bank, good for travel on Virgin America for one year from date of issue. Changes or cancellations of a booking made with Elevate Points will be subject to a $100 redeposit fee per guest. Guests who no-show without a change or cancellation prior to the scheduled departure time will forfeit the amount of this fare. In addition, any future flights booked in the same reservation will also be canceled and the fare will be forfeited. Tickets purchased from Virgin America through our reservation call center will cost an additional $20 per guest per itinerary. Any added cost associated with purchasing tickets from Virgin America through our reservation call center will be non-refundable. Fares will not be honored retroactively or in exchange for any wholly or partially used ticket. Fares, routes, fees and schedules are subject to change without notice. Virgin America will accept up to ten pieces of checked baggage, up to 50 pounds each, per ticketed guest traveling within the U.S. The fee for each piece of checked baggage up to 50 pounds is $25. Additional fees apply to baggage exceeding these weight limitations, and other baggage restrictions may apply.
11/19/2012 11:50pm CST前要開票。有需要往來DC與灣區的朋友可以買了。
Terms and Conditions:
*All Main Cabin fares are one-way. Main Cabin fares for routing DCA-SFO require a 1-day advance purchase and travel must occur between November 22, 2012 and November 23, 2012. Tickets must be purchased by 11:59pm CST November 19, 2012. Lowest sale fares are available only on certain itineraries. Seats are limited, subject to availability, and may not be available on all flights. Flights may not operate daily. Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable. Changes or cancellations can be made for a $100 fee per guest through all channels, plus any increase in fare, if applicable. Any remaining balance will be placed in a guest’s travel bank, good for travel on Virgin America for one year from date of issue. Changes or cancellations of a booking made with Elevate Points will be subject to a $100 redeposit fee per guest. Guests who no-show without a change or cancellation prior to the scheduled departure time will forfeit the amount of this fare. In addition, any future flights booked in the same reservation will also be canceled and the fare will be forfeited. Tickets purchased from Virgin America through our reservation call center will cost an additional $20 per guest per itinerary. Any added cost associated with purchasing tickets from Virgin America through our reservation call center will be non-refundable. Fares will not be honored retroactively or in exchange for any wholly or partially used ticket. Fares, routes, fees and schedules are subject to change without notice. Virgin America will accept up to ten pieces of checked baggage, up to 50 pounds each, per ticketed guest traveling within the U.S. The fee for each piece of checked baggage up to 50 pounds is $25. Additional fees apply to baggage exceeding these weight limitations, and other baggage restrictions may apply.
飛US Airways Shuttle賺取最多18,000 bonus miles (1/31/2013截止)
即日起到1/31/2012之間,在這裡註冊之後,飛航US Airways Shuttle航線(BOS, DCA, LGA之間),滿3個航段,就送6,000 bonus miles,滿6個航段,可總共拿到18,000 bonus miles。
Registration is required. Travel on any 3 US Airways Shuttle flights between November 1, 2012 – January 31, 2013 and earn 6,000 bonus miles. Travel on an additional 3 US Airways Shuttle flights (for a total of 6 flights) between November 1, 2012 – January 31, 2013 and earn an additional 12,000 bonus miles. A maximum of 18,000 bonus miles can be earned in this promotion. A US Airways Shuttle segment is any nonstop flight operated between Washington, DC (DCA), New York City (LGA) and Boston (BOS). Customers with itineraries that do not contain a US Airways Shuttle flight are not eligible for bonus miles. Customers with itineraries that contain a US Airways Shuttle segment will only receive the bonus for that segment. (Example: If you fly from New York (LGA) to Washington, DC (DCA) to Phoenix, you’ll earn the promotional bonus only on the New York (LGA) to Washington, DC (DCA) US Airways Shuttle segment.) Bonus is earned on base flight miles only on flights operated by US Airways Shuttle. Bonus miles will not count toward Preferred status. Please allow 1 – 2 weeks after you register and complete travel for bonus miles to post to your account. All Dividend Miles terms and conditions apply. US Airways reserves the right to interpret and apply all promotional rules.
Terms & conditions:
Registration is required. Travel on any 3 US Airways Shuttle flights between November 1, 2012 – January 31, 2013 and earn 6,000 bonus miles. Travel on an additional 3 US Airways Shuttle flights (for a total of 6 flights) between November 1, 2012 – January 31, 2013 and earn an additional 12,000 bonus miles. A maximum of 18,000 bonus miles can be earned in this promotion. A US Airways Shuttle segment is any nonstop flight operated between Washington, DC (DCA), New York City (LGA) and Boston (BOS). Customers with itineraries that do not contain a US Airways Shuttle flight are not eligible for bonus miles. Customers with itineraries that contain a US Airways Shuttle segment will only receive the bonus for that segment. (Example: If you fly from New York (LGA) to Washington, DC (DCA) to Phoenix, you’ll earn the promotional bonus only on the New York (LGA) to Washington, DC (DCA) US Airways Shuttle segment.) Bonus is earned on base flight miles only on flights operated by US Airways Shuttle. Bonus miles will not count toward Preferred status. Please allow 1 – 2 weeks after you register and complete travel for bonus miles to post to your account. All Dividend Miles terms and conditions apply. US Airways reserves the right to interpret and apply all promotional rules.
2012年11月18日 星期日
AMEX Small Business Saturday 開始註冊
今年American Express的Small Business Saturday(11/24/2012)每張信用/簽帳卡消費滿$25送$25 statement credit的註冊開始了。趕快到這裡把你有的每張正附卡都註冊。 每張都可以有$25。AMEX prepaid cards不算。
The following Offer Terms are specific to the Offer above:
Please remember that you must enroll your Card to takeadvantage of this offer. Enrollment in the offer is limited.
1. Limit one (1) $25 statement credit per American Express Card. To be eligible, Cardmembers must enroll an eligible American Express Card in this offer at ShopSmall.com. Prepaid and Corporate Cards are not eligible.
2. The number of enrollments is limited. Enrollment opens at 12:00AM MST ("Mountain Standard Time") on November 18, 2012, and will continue until 11:59PM MST on November 24, 2012 unless the enrollment limit is reached sooner.
3. To receive the $25 statement credit, the Cardmember must use his or her enrolled Card to spend $25 or more in a single, in-store transaction at a qualifying small business location on Saturday, November 24, 2012. To receive the credit, the transaction must equal $25 or more (for example, if your transaction is only for $15, you will not receive a credit). Multiple transactions of less than $25 will not qualify even if the combined total of those transactions is over $25. You may purchase multiple items that together equal $25 or more, but you must purchase them in a single transaction to receive the statement credit.
4. Qualifying small business locations are those identified on the Shop Small® Map, available at ShopSmall.com. In addition, small business locations that accept American Express through Square also qualify and can be found on the Square Directory at https://squareup.com/directory/?cmpId=amex. Small business locations that do not appear on the Shop Small® Map or that do not accept American Express through Square will not qualify for the $25 statement credit offer. Please note that business location information provided on the Shop Small® Map and Square Directory may contain inaccuracies or errors, including as a result of information provided by third parties. Transactions with political campaigns or political action committees are not eligible, regardless of whether they appear on the Shop Small® Map or in the Square Directory.
1. Limit one (1) $25 statement credit per American Express Card. To be eligible, Cardmembers must enroll an eligible American Express Card in this offer at ShopSmall.com. Prepaid and Corporate Cards are not eligible.
2. The number of enrollments is limited. Enrollment opens at 12:00AM MST ("Mountain Standard Time") on November 18, 2012, and will continue until 11:59PM MST on November 24, 2012 unless the enrollment limit is reached sooner.
3. To receive the $25 statement credit, the Cardmember must use his or her enrolled Card to spend $25 or more in a single, in-store transaction at a qualifying small business location on Saturday, November 24, 2012. To receive the credit, the transaction must equal $25 or more (for example, if your transaction is only for $15, you will not receive a credit). Multiple transactions of less than $25 will not qualify even if the combined total of those transactions is over $25. You may purchase multiple items that together equal $25 or more, but you must purchase them in a single transaction to receive the statement credit.
4. Qualifying small business locations are those identified on the Shop Small® Map, available at ShopSmall.com. In addition, small business locations that accept American Express through Square also qualify and can be found on the Square Directory at https://squareup.com/directory/?cmpId=amex. Small business locations that do not appear on the Shop Small® Map or that do not accept American Express through Square will not qualify for the $25 statement credit offer. Please note that business location information provided on the Shop Small® Map and Square Directory may contain inaccuracies or errors, including as a result of information provided by third parties. Transactions with political campaigns or political action committees are not eligible, regardless of whether they appear on the Shop Small® Map or in the Square Directory.
5. If American Express does not receive information that identifies a transaction as having occurred in-store at a qualifying small business location, the transaction will not qualify for the statement credit. For example, the following transactions will not be eligible for the credit: transactions made using an electronic wallet or any other transaction made through a third party; and transactions not made directly with the merchant.
6. Statement credit will appear on your billing statement within 8 weeks after American Express receives information from the merchant about your qualifying purchase. Note that American Express may not receive information about your qualifying purchase from the merchant until all of the items from your qualifying purchase have been provided or shipped by the merchant.
7. Statement credit may be reversed if qualifying purchase is returned or cancelled.
8. The Card Registration Terms and Conditions will also apply at enrollment.
2012年11月16日 星期五
購買Priority Club點數給50%額外獎勵點數(11/22/2012截止)
Priority Club (Intercontinental Hotels & Resorts, Holiday Inn, Holiday Express, Crowne Plaza Hotels and Resorts, Hotel Indigo, Staybridge Suites, Candlewood Suites)正在進行點數促銷活動。這活動到11/22/2012截止。
這個活動所購得的點數計入elite status。
如果透過topcashback.com到points.com購買這些點數,還可以拿到4% cashback。
假設你現在完全沒有Priority Club點數,透過topcashback.com到points.com購買60,000(40,000+20,000)點,得到白金卡。花費$460,拿到$18.4 cashback,這樣相當於$0.00736/point。通常可以使用10,000($73.6)-2,5000($184)換到Holiday Inn一晚(除了白金會員優惠之外,有些飯店還會讓你升等房型)。
如果拿來兌換每季的PointBreaks飯店,只要5,000 points的話,等於每晚只要$36.8。
儘管這不是最便宜拿到Priority Club點數的方法,但是值得考慮。
這個活動所購得的點數計入elite status。
如果透過topcashback.com到points.com購買這些點數,還可以拿到4% cashback。
假設你現在完全沒有Priority Club點數,透過topcashback.com到points.com購買60,000(40,000+20,000)點,得到白金卡。花費$460,拿到$18.4 cashback,這樣相當於$0.00736/point。通常可以使用10,000($73.6)-2,5000($184)換到Holiday Inn一晚(除了白金會員優惠之外,有些飯店還會讓你升等房型)。
如果拿來兌換每季的PointBreaks飯店,只要5,000 points的話,等於每晚只要$36.8。
儘管這不是最便宜拿到Priority Club點數的方法,但是值得考慮。
2012年11月14日 星期三
BA: 長程哩程票75折哩程兌換優惠(11/19/2012截止)
British Airways正在進行長程線哩程票75折哩程兌換優惠。
Terms and conditions
You will receive a 25% discount on flight bookings paid for in full Avios and also bookings paid for in Avios & Money. For the avoidance of doubt, the 25% discount applies to the Avios only. Upgrades after booking are not included in this offer and will not have the 25% discount applied. 25% discount does not apply to the taxes, fees and charges which are payable in full on all bookings. Taxes, fees and charges shown are estimated and will be higher in other cabins. Flights depart London. Flights are subject to Avios terms and conditions. Bookings must be made between 14/11/12 & 19/11/12 for travel between 14/11/12 & 31/05/13. Some flights may have no availability or have very limited availability, particularly during peak periods and periods of high demand. The 25% Avios discount on reward flights is only available on British Airways and Iberia operated flights and codeshare flights. Flights to and from zones 1, 2 and 3 are not included in this offer, even if the flight is connecting onto a zone 4 and above flight. This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion.
Bank of America信用卡友:送$5-$15 Gift Card
Bank of America正進行贈送信用卡友$5-$15 Starbucks/Macy's/Target Gift Card活動。
點擊Don't have one?
照著網頁指示選擇你要的Gift Card。然後耐心等待Gift Card寄來。
點擊Don't have one?
照著網頁指示選擇你要的Gift Card。然後耐心等待Gift Card寄來。
2012年11月13日 星期二
GoWallet:管理Visa Gift Cards的好App

善用信用卡買Visa Gift Cards來過生活,是賺取哩程/點數或節省開支過程中重要的一環。
買了這些Visa Gift Cards之後,能夠隨時知道卡裡的餘額,有助於這些卡的使用與管理。


免費註冊之後,可以加入Visa Gift Cards的資料,就可以隨時知道卡裡的餘額。
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