想要預購Apple iPhone 6或是iPhone 6 plus的朋友若是首次申辦手機,可以經過MileagePlus Shopping到行動電話公司網頁申請以賺取更多獎勵哩程。現在經過MileagePlus Shopping到AT&T Wireless申辦新號可得3,900 miles,到VerizonWireless申辦新號可得2,500 miles。若是有Chase Ink Bold/Plus,還可以再拿5 Ultimate Rewards(UR)points/$。
想要升級手機的朋友也可以經過MileagePlus Shopping到Apple網站預購,可得1 miles/$。
9/12/14 through 9/18/14 11:59 PM ET receive 1,000 bonus miles when you spend a cumulative amount of $225 online through MileagePlus Shopping. Returns, shipping and taxes are not eligible for bonus. Please allow 8-10 weeks for bonus miles to post to your account. The maximum number of bonus miles that can be awarded to each qualifying member through this promotion is 1,000 bonus miles. This offer cannot be combined with other bonus offers. Increased earning opportunities are for a limited time only and at the discretion of each individual merchant. Please check site daily for updates to increased earning opportunities.