到這裡註冊加入AZ會員就送2,000 miles,04/30/2013前購票搭乘AZ航班再送2,000 miles,註冊後進行哩程計畫夥伴活動(比如租車、住飯店、搭乘天合聯盟夥伴航空航班等等),再送2,000 miles。
最多可得總共6,000 miles。
American Express Membership Rewards與SPG點數也可以1:1(SPG可以20,000=>25,000)轉成AZ哩程。雖然AZ通常會對哩程票收取燃油附加費,但是在一些特定狀況下,還是有其優點。
1. This promotion is only available to those customers who register with the MilleMiglia Program between March 8th and 30th 2013 through the special link appearing on this web page.
2. Customers taking part in the promotion will receive a bonus of 2,000 miles following their registration with the MilleMiglia Program.
3. The 2,000 bonus miles awarded for registration with the MilleMiglia Program will be credited within the month of April 2013.
4. New Members who fly with Alitalia within April 30th 2013 will earn a further bonus of 2,000 miles. All booking classes will be considered valid for obtaining the bonus.
5. The 2,000 bonus miles relating to the first flight made with Alitalia within April 30th 2013 will be awarded within the month following that in which the flight activity is credited to the Member’s account, within the ambit of this promotion.
6. It is possible to take advantage of this promotion on one occasion only and, therefore, receive only one promotional bonus of 2,000 miles for the first flight made with Alitalia.
7. The 2013 Welcome Bonus of 2,000 miles linked to MilleMiglia Program transactions made within three months of registration is additional to the above-mentioned bonuses.
8. The bonus miles awarded by the promotion are not qualifying miles and therefore are not valid for obtaining or renewing Membership to the Alitalia Exclusive Clubs.
9. The bonus miles awarded by the promotion are additional to those relating to other promotions in course during the same period.
請問N大有用過他里程的經驗嗎? 聽很多人說他的call center很差,要訂partner awards很難...